Beat deadlines – Smart ways for improving your productivity!

Friday, 4. June 2021 | 0 Comments
Establishing a productivity pace is a remarkable characteristic of small business owners. You can understand your distraction level when you are left alone with a computer, your deadlines, and your urge to check social media or email before settling down to work. Some of the distraction-busting strategies which help you to meet deadlines in an instant are as follows.


Strategies to improve your productivity and meet deadlines

Making an ideal workspace

Although your kitchen table, the floor of your living room, bed, the couch is good space to work in this new normal, they are not ideal workstations. Good ergonomics are a must to have high productivity and to avoid ached n pains. A sturdy chair, clutter-free table, no visible distractions, and all the right resources handy. You will naturally feel calmer and dynamic when you get rid of things you do not need.

Create a manageable To-Do list and follow it.

You must develop a weekly ‘To-Do’ list and then stick to it dedicatedly; follow this two-step process to address time management and adhere to the scheme.
  • Step 1: Use the ‘ABCDE’ method to meet deadlines.
Emphasize each item by
  • Work that we do on next day to avoid repercussions.
  • Work that must be done but not time-sensitive
  • Work that is good to finish but not urgent.
  • Assignments transferable to other resources.
  • Avoidable Work
  • Step2: Select one big or small task to accomplish daily
Establish your success rate by undertaking one or two items that are practically possible and manageable. This process is a confidence booster as you are tackling the task rather than pushing them away.

Build-in Time for a crisis to meet deadlines

Save time for future emergencies and day-to-day life electronic device malfunction hampering to-do list. So, save and leave time for the crisis to avoid working in deadlines. Set deadlines few days before the client’s expectations to avoid last-minute confusion. If we keep few extra days, we can review the edits with a fresh eye.

Get the worst tasks done first

Always assign time to do the time-consuming and complex tasks, so energy gets utilized correctly. This method would give a sense of
achievement to progress to the next job with a positive approach. This process is a significant deadline-busting habit irrespective of the size of the project.

Evade multitasking to meet deadlines

To finish multiple tasks business owners, attempt various tasks at the same time. Multitasking reduces productivity by around 40% and the last thing to try while meeting a deadline. Dedicate all time and focus on one task to work smarter and efficiently.

Discard social media when working to achieve deadlines

Small business owners can benefit from a presence on social media to promote their businesses. Though we check social media for the right
reasons, we constantly get carried away for all the wrong reasons. If you cannot delete a specific app, try to disable notifications while working on the deadline.

Divide each project to make it manageable to meet deadlines

Psychologically it is easier to work and accomplish success on minor tasks than not attempting a big project. Break down each project into smaller tasks that it is easier to fit into a day-to-day routine and progress in small increments. This method will make the project less daunting and motivate for satisfactory results to meet deadlines.

Map your day 

Roughly jot down the number of hours required for each task and trade. This estimation helps you to spearhead productivity by mapping day by day and hour by hour.

Comprehend your productivity cycles!

Optimize your progress by recognizing the most productive time in a day to complete the to-do list. Some people are good at working at their best early in the early morning and tend to finish the daunting tasks and do the errands later. Schedule the items that require more focus during the productive time of your day.

Assign the tasks whenever possible.

Instead of completing all tasks by yourself, delegate the work whenever possible or assign work to others to help with mundane things. Some of the software’s which can help to reduce your tasks are as follows.
  • GetMyInvoices : Automatically imports your invoices and processes them with features like scanning invoices and matching them with your bank transactions.
  • Calendly : Helps to save the email and have your clients set appointments with you.
  • HubSpot : Helps to manage marketing and sales simultaneously to save time.

Utilize the calendar to track and schedule 

Set a monthly or weekly calendar to schedule time daily to save time and meet deadlines. Populating a to-do list and hour-by-hour plans to a
calendar is also a successful method to meet deadlines and avoid distraction. Online templates offer various calendar are versatile and helps
data-driven small ventures to be efficient and meet deadlines.

Go ahead! – Meet those deadlines and overcome distractions successfully

Strategies are quintessential to keep organized and focused on designing and delivering work under deadlines. Deadlines are not dreaded dates but a way to conquer your distractions for better delivery of services.

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