Collect invoices automatically from emails

Waiting and checking for invoices from various business partners is a time-consuming procedure. The lifecycle...


Automate ways to collect receipts and invoices

Consistent invoicing is a crucial part of every business, and proper invoice management brings healthy...


Interview with Amagno CEO Jens Büscher

Via GetMyInvoices, users can create invoices & co. that are automatically imported into the Amagno...


A Beginners Guide to Bank Reconciliation

Electronic banking is a necessary mode of payment in this modern times. There is a...


GetMyInvoices – Behind the Scenes: Work remotely

Like our invoice management software, our team is truly international. Manuel Viebrantz, for example, works...


How To Combat Work-From-Home Burnout

Everyone liked the new work adaptation- work from home (WFH) – when the whole world...


Automating Invoice Processing Workflows

It is time you experience the digitalized and automated accounts payable approach to minimize manual...


Amazon Business: What are the advantages for companies?

You are in a good entrepreneurial position, have just founded a company, or have been...


4 Surprising techniques to find your documents faster.

Paperwork is time-consuming – Be it searching for documents or invoices. You may need to...


Empowering Employees with Mobile Solutions to Boost Productivity

Mobility solutions have transformed business. Today we can do so much on a mobile device,...


Pandemic impacts on VDI – Virtual and desktop infrastructure

We might never have imagined such a rush for remote working capabilities as seen over...


Keep all documents under control with a DMS

For many companies, organizing the various types of documents – orders, invoices, contracts, etc. –...
